Similar words: rainforest, restrain, restraint, restrained, unrestrained, rainfall, unforeseen, forest. Meaning: n. a forest with heavy annual rainfall.
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1. Huge swathes of rain forest are being cleared for farming and mining.
2. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
3. The rain forest may disappear forever.
4. Farming, then, is the biggest devourer of rain forest.
5. Specters walk in the rain forest.
6. The trail dipped into the dark rain forest.
7. A simulated rain forest will be installed inside two climate-controlled buildings, also in the post-2006 phase.
8. The rain forest theme products tap into consumer interest in the environment.
9. In short, farming is reducing the rain forest by 1.5% of its area annually.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Meanwhile, the felling and burning of tile Amazonian rain forest had also become a major story.
11. Vast tracts of Brazilian rain forest continue to be cut down every year.
12. The tops of the trees in the rain forest are called the canopy.
13. Rain forest destruction is threatening the cultural survival of the Yanomami people.
14. Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
15. We need to put a stop to the plunder of the rain forest.
16. Voice over Charles will be flying just forty feet above the rain forest canopy, at night.
17. The system represents a remarkable evolutionary adaptation of human behaviour patterns to the conditions of the rain forest.
18. For the environmentally minded contractor, several lumber companies in California are now marketing ethically chopped tropical rain forest timber.
19. Constant logging threatens to wipe out the little that is left of the rain forest.
20. We staked claim to the two-man tents set on a steep slope in the rain forest.
21. Those days when we feel like were retaining more water than a rain forest.
22. That becomes only too clear if you find yourself hungry in a tropical rain forest.
23. The couple worked not only for the survival of the Lacandons but for the rain forest in which they live.
24. A checkered garter snake gave birth to three baby snakes in the ginger belt at the edge of the rain forest.
25. Although the families of plants involved are ancient[], they are represented in tropical rain forest to different extents in different continents.
26. We want to get an idea of what's going on in the rain forest canopy.
27. As in the first pavilion, the conservatory recedes into the background and the rain forest embraces visitors.
28. It is ideal for trees; and this, indeed, is the region of tropical rain forest.
29. Of those that pollinate a small percentage of tropical rain forest trees, a minority feed exclusively on floral resources.
30. Flowering bushes appear to be taking over the hillside and then we enter what looks like a real rain forest.
More similar words: rainforest, restrain, restraint, restrained, unrestrained, rainfall, unforeseen, forest, forestry, restore, forestall, brain drain, dire straits, reforestation, deforestation, hardware store, afforestation, against the grain, inform, go in for, in force, informed, informal, come in for, reinforce, informant, reinforced, information, reinforcing, reinforcement.